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- ‘Betwixt and Between: conceptual and practical challenges of preventing violent conflict through EU external action’ Global Affairs Vol 4 Issue 2-3 pp. 157-169 (2018)
- ‘Women Peace and Security: Adrift in Policy and Practice’ Commentary, Feminist Legal Studies (2018)
- ‘Kissing the frog: gender equality in EU conflict prevention and other fairy tales’ EU CIVCAP project (May 2018).
- ‘The EU as a multi-mediator: the case of the Democratic Republic of Congo’ International Negotiation (May 2018)
- ‘From a Place at the Table to Participation: Opportunities and Constraints of the 1325 Framework in the Democratic Republic of Congo’ in ed. S. Aroussi, Rethinking National Action Plans on Women, Peace and Security Special issue, NATO science, peace and security series, IOS press (2017)
- ‘The EU and conflict prevention in Jordan’ Civil Society Dialogue Network Discussion Paper, EPLO (2017). Co-author: Fatima Ayub
- ‘Sudan Alert: Promoting civic space in Sudan: Priorities for the European Union’ Pax for Peace (2017)
- ‘The EU’s capabilities for conflict prevention’ with N. Habbida and A. Penfrat EU CIVCAP (2017).
- ‘The Impact of Train and Equip initiatives on Security Sector Reform: A Brief Literature Review’ Civil Society Dialogue Network, EPLO (2016).
- ‘Peace and Justice in EU Foreign Policy: From Principle to Practice‘ Transitional Justice Institute Research Paper No. 16-13 Social Science Research Network (SSRN), (2016).
- ‘Reform, or Business as Usual? EU security provision in complex contexts: Mali’ in Theorising the EU as an International Security Provider A. Peen Rodt, R. Whitman and S. Wolff. Routledge (2016)
- ‘Sudan Alert: The EU’s policy options for Sudan’ Pax for Peace (2016)
- ‘Gender analysis of the elections 2006 and 2011 in the Democratic Republic of Congo’ DFID (January 2016), restricted circulation.
- ‘”Sensibilisation”: (Dis)empowering adolescent girls in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo’ DFID (July 2015), restricted circulation.
- ‘Reform, or Business as Usual? EU security provision in complex contexts: Mali’ Global Security (May 2015).
- ‘The EU and peacebuilding in the Democratic Republic of Congo‘ Civil Society Dialogue Network Discussion Paper No. 9 European Peacebuilding Liaison Office (January 2015).
- ‘Social norms influencing the economic empowerment of adolescent girls in Kinshasa’ DFID, December 2014, restricted circulation.
- EU Foreign Policy, Transitional Justice and Conflict Mediation: Principle, Policy and Practice, Routledge (2014). More information available here
- ‘Democratic Republic of Congo Gender Country Profile 2014’ Indevelop (2014). Available here … et en français ici
- ‘Supporting peaceful social, political, cultural and economic change in Mali’ International Alert (2014). Available here Disponible en français ici
- ‘Make do, or Mend? EU security provision in complex conflicts: The Democratic Republic of Congo’ European Security (2014).
- ‘Discreet Effectiveness: the EU and the International Criminal Court’ in ed. Drieskens, E., & van Schaik, L. (2014), The EU and Effective Multilateralism: External and Internal Reform in the First Decade.
- ‘The ICC: a straw man in the peace versus justice debate?’ Paper commissioned by the HD Centre, Geneva, October 2013.
- ‘Power shared, justice shelved: The Democratic Republic of Congo’ International Journal of Human Rights, 17 No. 2 January 2013.
- The European Union: Time to further peace and justice Security Policy Brief No. 22 April 2011 Egmont: The Royal Institute for International Relations, Belgium.
- The EU and transitional justice Initiative for Peacebuilding (2010).
- The EU, transitional justice and peace mediation Initiative for Peacebuilding (2010). Download the pdf here
- The EU and advancing justice issues in peace mediation Initiative for Peacebuilding (2010). Download the pdf here
- ‘European Union Approaches to Peace, Justice and Security in Post-Conflict Contexts: Lessons from Afghanistan and DRC’in European Commission ed. Making the Difference?What works in response to crises and security threats – the debate continues(2010) co-author: Sari Kouvo.
- ‘De la predació a la protecció : la necessitat urgent de reformar l’exèrcit a la República Democràtica del Congo‘ in Drets Humans i Justicia Transicional : Gestionant el passat Colleció Recerca x Drets Humans 2 (2009) edited by Helena Olivan, Maria Prandi and Maria Cañadas and published by the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Escola de Cultura de Pau.
- Transitional Justice and Security System Reform Initiative for Peacebuilding (2009).
- Small Steps, Large Hurdles: the EU’s role in promoting justice in peacemaking in the DRC Initiative for Peacebuilding (2009).
- Difficult Peace, Limited Justice: Ten Years of Peacemaking in the DRC International Center for Transitional Justice (2009) co-author: Priscilla Hayner.
- Justice-sensitive Security System Reform in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Initiative for Peacebuilding (2009). Download the pdf here