Tag: UNSCR1325

Women in #DR Congo: Gender Country Profile 2014

Democratic Republic of Congo:  Gender Country Profile 2014 This Gender Country Profile DRC 2014 (Profil genre 2014 RDC) was commissioned by the Embassy of Sweden in Kinshasa, with the Department for International Development (UK), the European Union delegation in Kinshasa and the Embassy of Canada. It examines gender relations in the Democratic...

Transitional justice and peace mediation

In these short videos onTransitional justice and peace mediation for the Peace Mediation Platform, I discuss the Peace and Justice Debate, Addressing justice questions in peace processes, Gender Inclusive Transitional Justice and Universal Laws and Norms in Peace Processes...

Power shared and justice shelved: the Democratic Republic of Congo

The Global Accord (2002) ended the Congo War, contributed to the creation of the Third Republic and influenced subsequent peace agreements. This article (in the International Journal of Human Rights, 2013, Vol. 17, No. 2, 289–306) analyses how justice for human rights violations was included in the Global Accord and later...

Victory of form over substance? #UNSCR1325 at 11

  The United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security celebrates its 11th birthday this week. In the world of peace and conflict, 1325 finally put women, peace and security as a composite issue on the global policy map.  It instructed the world of diplomats, politicians...